Pumpkin Picking at Pumpkin Moon, Rainham, Kent
By Scarlett Shepherd
With the season of Autumn and all things Halloween upon us, we took a trip to do some pumpkin picking at Pumpkin Moon in Rainham Kent.
Overall, we had a great time and would recommend this as a great day out and brilliant way to start any seasonal celebrations.
Booking Tickets
Before you set off on your day to Pumpkin Moon, make sure you book tickets.
The tickets were reasonably priced at £3.25 per adult and child over 2. Children under 2 and carers were free. Everyone in your group will require a ticket.
When booking tickets, you will be asked to pick a date and time which you will be attending. We booked the first Saturday of October at 11am.
Once the tickets were booked, you get a confirmation email with your ticket details. The tickets have an entry period of 30 minutes.
Tickets are available for every Saturday and Sunday in October, plus every day from the 20th till 29th October 2023. Once you have picked a day, you can then choose a 30 minute timeslot. The first entry is at 10.00 and the last entry at 15.30.
Getting There
Pumpkin Moon has two locations in Kent. One in Maidstone and one in Rainham. We opted for the Rainham option.
Getting to Pumpkin Moon in Rainham is very easy. It is located on a main road (Lower Rainham Road). Which is easily accessible from the M2 and the A2.
Once we arrived at Pumpkin Moon, it was easy to turn from the main road through their gate and into the field.
There were staff on hand to direct us where to park, and the whole process of getting there was very easy.
Once you have arrived and parked up, there next thing is PUMPKINS!
Just before you go into the pumpkin patch there is a long line of wheelbarrows in different sizes and colours which can be used to put your pumpkins in.

Once you have your wheelbarrow, all you then need to do is scan your QR code ticket, and you are ready to go into the pumpkin patch!
One thing that Pumpkin Moon had in abundance was PUMPKINS!

There were many different varieties of pumpkins available. There were big and small pumpkins. Orange, white, and grey pumpkins. Smooth, bumpy, and spiky pumpkins. There was a pumpkin there for everyone!

As you walk around the pumpkin patch, you pick your own pumpkin, and put any pumpkins you want in your wheelbarrow. Then when you are finished you pay for what is in your wheelbarrow as you walk out through the tents.

We found the prices to be reasonable. Not as cheap as a supermarket, but also not crazy expensive. The prices ranged from £1 to £15 per pumpkin, and its size determined the price. We bought 3 pumpkins, a small one, a medium grey one and a larger one, and the total price was £12.

Photo Opportunities
One of the essentials of any trip to a pumpkin patch is the photo ops, and Pumpkin Moon had definitely thought about this.
Pumpkin Moon had multiple cut outs around the patch which you could stand behind and put your face through for some fun pictures.

They also had areas where they had nicely arranged the pumpkins together that you could then get a photo with.
Then there was the pumpkin patch itself. This was very large, so it was easy to find a space that you could stand in away from others and arrange the pumpkins yourself for that Instagram perfect shot.

Other Stuff
Once you had finished at the pumpkin patch, there was also a nice area set up in front of the patch which had the Pumpkin Moon café, a burger and hotdog stand, and an ice cream van. There were also barrels of hay along with tables and chairs that you could sit at.

We found the food and drink to be reasonable. The burger and hotdog stand was selling a foot long hotdog for £8 and a kids hotdog for £2. We opted for a foot long hot dog and was impressed with the quality of the sausage. The hotdog bun was very standard, and could have been of a bit better quality.

The Pumpkin Moon Café was selling hot and cold drinks, along with snacks. The prices here were okay. You could get a can of drink for £1, or latte for £2.

Overall, we had a great time at Pumpkin Moon Rainham. We bought 3 pumpkins which were all a bit different and not something we had seen before in a supermarket.
We also took LOADS of pictures, especially of our little ones first trip to the pumpkin patch, which were all very cute. Plus, she had a great time looking at all the different pumpkins.
The food onsite was limited, but the prices were reasonable, and there was enough options for a lunchtime snack.
We would highly recommend a trip to Pumpkin Moon in Rainham, and we will look forward to another trip next year.